Bioenvironmental Engineering Airmen are ‘jack of all trades’

Safety News

  • Changing seasons

    As we enter the fall season, we see changes all around us.Daylight saving time ends on the first Sunday in November, and everyone’s schedules get altered. Vacation season is drawing to a close, with students going back to school and families getting back into the rhythm of classes, sports and all

  • Prepare your emergency action plan

    Do you have an emergency plan? What will you, your coworkers or family do in case of an emergency fire, tornado, active shooter or other emergency scenario? Planning will help you each to know how to be prepared, stay safe and contact each other in case of an emergency.While at WorkIn case of fire –

  • AEDC Safety offers tips to avoid heat illness

    Here comes summer!Outside activities and obligations increase, and temperatures, humidity and the chance for heat illness increase right along with them. What is heat illness? It is when the body is not able to get rid of excess heat and properly cool itself.Learn the signs and symptoms of

  • National Safety Council designates May as National Electric Safety Month

    The National Safety Council partners with the Electric Safety Foundation, or ESFI, each May to present electric hazard awareness topics.The ESFI is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting electrical safety at home and in the workplace. Their goal is to reduce the number of electric-related

  • Arnold AFB Safety provides tips in avoiding holiday hazards

    The holidays are upon us. Fall and Thanksgiving decorations are quickly transitioning to winter and Christmas along with the holiday festivities and traditions we love. From gathering with family and friends to attending religious services, concerts and holiday programs, each of these festive

  • AEDC Safety shares tips for a safe Halloween

    What is Halloween anyway?I know what we do on Halloween, but where did all these traditions come from?The History Channel tells us Halloween has roots in the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. In the eighth century, Pope Gregory

Send an article

The Air Force Safety Center has a continuing need for original articles and photos, so we can get the vitally important message of safety out to Airmen and Guardians everywhere. Whether you're a safety professional or not and you've had a safety-related experience while deployed, at work, or off duty, please take the time to write an account of the event and send it to us at If your story is selected for publication, you'll receive credit for being published on an Air Force-level website.

We welcome reader comments, suggestions, and story ideas. You can e-mail them to us at the address above, or call the Chief of Public Affairs at DSN 246-2098 or commercial (505) 846-2098. Our mailing address is HQ AFSEC/SEP, 9700 G Ave. SE, Kirtland AFB, NM 87117-5670. We look forward to hearing from you.