U.S. Air Force 36th Contingency Response Squadron Landing Zone Safety Officers Training


Link to SAFEREP Poster

“SAFEREP is the DAF’s premiere safety digital reporting tool which empowers Airmen and Guardians to speak up about issues they see and mitigate these hazards before they cause a mishap. By preventing mishaps before they happen, we create more lethal and effective Air and Space Forces.”

Maj. Gen. Sean M. Choquette
Department of the Air Force Chief of Safety

In the early days of military aviation, knowledge and experiences were shared either in the hangar or at the bar. Today we operate in a much more complex environment where we must leverage technology to capture those unintentional errors, hazardous situations, and high-risk activities that may not be identified through traditional safety reporting channels.

SAFEREP represents the next iteration of digital reporting. Fully integrated in AFSAS, SAFEREP is the DAF’s only completely digital safety reporting avenue supporting all disciplines. It is specifically designed to fulfill that need by empowering every Airman and Guardian to identify hazards and offer risk mitigating solutions – anytime, anywhere using an app.

While the program was originally created to raise safety standards in the aviation community back in 2009, it has evolved to capture work safety issues in the occupational, space, and weapons disciplines as well.

Within minutes of identifying a potential hazard, such as a hole in the ground or an improperly designed aircraft part, a mobile report can be initiated on-site and submitted directly to the Air Force Safety Automated System. From here, all data is passed to the appropriate major command and down to the installation, where practices can be improved and resources can be allocated to resolve issues.

 After evaluating the reporting coming in over the last nearly 8 years while the Airman Safety App has been in service, AFSEC saw an opportunity to expand this digital reporting capability to capture the full breadth of safety reporting that an Airman or Guardian might want to do. This goal required a re-design of the app interface, new, dedicated safety reporting capabilities, and a new name that reflected the total nature of the reporting activities supported by this App and the Airmen, Guardians, Sailors, and Marines who would be using it.

The design of SAFEREP reflects new capabilities compared to its predecessor the Airman Safety App. First, SAFEREP is a Joint platform … it includes pathways for Space Force, Navy, and Marine Corps personnel to participate in digital reporting. Next, when users click on their respective service crest, they will immediately be given options to identify a hazard, or report a near miss event. For those directly involved with aviation operations, maintenance, or support, they will see options to submit an aviation-safety report. Selecting the aviation option opens a sub-menu that allows users to create and submit any aviation report they wish.

This is the cutting edge of mishap prevention. Welcome to SAFEREP!

Approximately 1,800 unique submissions are received annually from within the Department of the Air Force.

SAFEREP Introduction Video


Every Airman and Guardian are experts in their work areas and know what ‘right looks like’. Plus Safety can’t be everywhere, all at once, all of the time. Thus we are providing this App to help Airmen and Guardians tell Safety about hazardous conditions or cultural issues that concern them. In turn, Safety has direct access to leadership and others who can address safety issues that Airmen and Guardians identify. A safer work and living environment makes for a more effective and lethal Air and Space Force.


Aviation Safety Action Program

Those involved in the aviation mission will still have the ability to provide Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) reports to their lead MAJCOM safety office in SAFEREP. As part of this transition, the ASAP will revert back to the Aviation Safety Action Program. The Aviation Safety Action Program will be re-focused on identity protected voluntary aviation reporting, and continue to provide aircrew, maintainers, aerial port personnel, and others in the aviation enterprise a protected pathway to identify errors, mistakes, and other safety related issues … all without fear of adverse action.

Users can create and submit ASAPs by clicking on the “Report an aviation safety issue” button, and then pressing the button labelled ASAP.

The SAFEREP Display can be accessed with a Common Access Card from the Air Force Safety Automated System homepage at: https://afsas.safety.af.mil/Home.do


  • SAFEREP allows the Department of the Air Force to document and track minor incidents - the bulk of events offering mishap prevention  potential - that tend to slip through the “net” of formal safety reporting channels. 

    SAFEREP collects and publicizes the latest hazards at deployed locations, providing an ability to brief-up threats and errors related to airfields, terrain, ATC, navigation, and weather.

    Approximately 60% of on-duty injuries are industrial and occupational. Reporting a hazard can make all the difference.

    The “SAFEREP Display” is a protected website that allows aviation-related ASAP participants to see what remedial actions have been taken to address identified hazards.

    SAFEREP allows decision-makers to look across platforms to perceive system-wide problems at deployed locations, with command & control, or with non-U.S. transient alert.

“Anyone can use SAFEREP, regardless of rank, pay grade, uniformed or civilian status, or occupational specialty. If an Airman or Guardian thinks the issue could cause damage, injury, illness, result in a serious incident, or an accident, then they should use the app to report the concern to their safety office.”


Jason Wollard
SAFEREP Program Manager

Link to Hazard Recognition poster

Link to Hazard Reporting poster

Link to ASAP poster

Link to ASAP poster

Link to ASAP poster