Bioenvironmental Engineering Airmen are ‘jack of all trades’

Safety News

  • Independence Day Weekend Safety

    The Air Force Reserve Command occupational safety program manager provided safety professionals across the Air Force Reserve with information about the 101 Critical Days of Summer.

  • Old nemesis claims lives of four Airmen since start of summer safety focus

    Since the 101 Critical Days of Summer kicked off Memorial Day weekend at the end of May, the Air Force has lost four Airmen to an old nemesis: vehicle mishaps.Two Airmen died in car accidents, while another perished in a motorcycle crash. The fourth succumbed to injuries suffered in an all-terrain

  • Here Comes Spring!

    As spring’s warmer weather begins to push the gloomy winter weather away, many of us will begin to emerge from our winter shelters and begin those home improvement projects put off because of cold weather. Remember spring has its own safety hazards - in fact, sudden spring showers or foggy mornings

  • Thanksgiving Holiday Safety

    Thanksgiving provides an amazing opportunity to gather with our families and friends. The holiday weekend is packed with a multitude of traditions. Observing our traditions with safety in mind ensures the imagery, memories and associations we have with this holiday remain positive and can be

  • ‘Arrive alive’: Safety Office offers holiday travel tips

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE, Ohio -- More than 52 million Americans will travel to visit friends and family this holiday season, according to a survey conducted by before you hit the road, the 88th Air Base Wing Safety Office has some tips to make sure you arrive at your

  • Keep safety in mind as summer ends

    The long Labor Day weekend marks the traditional end of summer and offers many service members, civilians and their families the final opportunity to take to the highways and byways for a summertime adventure. Emphasis on managing risk is key, not only for a holiday weekend that historically

  • Taking a STEP toward travel safety

    Personnel stationed at the World’s Best Wing, Ramstein Air Base, Germany, and throughout the rest of Europe, are top contenders for the title of most well-traveled. With this title, however, comes a very important topic – travel safety.

Send an article

The Air Force Safety Center has a continuing need for original articles and photos, so we can get the vitally important message of safety out to Airmen and Guardians everywhere. Whether you're a safety professional or not and you've had a safety-related experience while deployed, at work, or off duty, please take the time to write an account of the event and send it to us at If your story is selected for publication, you'll receive credit for being published on an Air Force-level website.

We welcome reader comments, suggestions, and story ideas. You can e-mail them to us at the address above, or call the Chief of Public Affairs at DSN 246-2098 or commercial (505) 846-2098. Our mailing address is HQ AFSEC/SEP, 9700 G Ave. SE, Kirtland AFB, NM 87117-5670. We look forward to hearing from you.