Dec. 31, 2024 Fireworks done right: Ring in the new year safely Fireworks are a staple of many celebrations around the world. While they add excitement and beauty to festivities, fireworks can also pose significant dangers if not handled properly.
June 24, 2024 309th Missile Maintenance Group receives VPP Star Certification The 309th Missile Maintenance Group at Hill Air Force Base has reached a remarkable milestone: the prestigious OSHA Voluntary Protection Program Star certification.
May 10, 2024 Safety Fest 2024: One form of defense for our blended workforce Members of the 75th Air Base Wing Safety staff present Safety Fest 2024 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. May 23 at The Landing and surrounding parking lots.This large-scale, diverse, civilian-release-authorized event is designed to have something for everyone in highlighting safety while on-duty, off-duty and
Jan. 24, 2024 Personal threats from winter weather Winter isn’t giving way to spring just yet and that means harmful effects of cold weather are still with us but can be avoided.
Jan. 18, 2024 Icicle hazards: What you need to know to stay safe this winter Around this time of year, proper precautions such as timely snow removal and adherence to safety guidelines, are essential to prevent accidents during winter weather conditions. Icicles are a common sight during winter, but they can pose a serious threat to people’s safety.
Jan. 9, 2024 Pedestrian-activated crossing warning devices at work on Hill Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon crossings, with a crossing sign, arrow indicator and rectangular-shaped beacons that contain flashing LED lights, have been installed at several high-risk crossings on Hill Air Force Base.These lights draw attention to pedestrian crossings and alert approaching
Dec. 1, 2023 Use Your Phone for Safety Delays, winter weather, traffic congestion and an already stressful season can wreak havoc on drivers during the primary travel period between Dec 22-Jan. 2. The 75 ABW Safety staff recommends you plan ahead this holiday season for increased road traffic, evaluate conditions and consider using a
Nov. 30, 2023 Hill Air Force Base: Winter inclement weather operations As we enter the winter season, it’s important to revisit our approach to inclement weather operations at Hill Air Force Base. Employees should expect the base to remain open. The base will maintain roads and sidewalks in accordance with its Snow Plan, which prioritizes snow clearing and treatment
Nov. 7, 2023 309th EMXG receives OSHA Star recertification: A testament to their commitment to safety The 309th Electronics Maintenance Group at Hill Air Force Base has been reapproved as an OSHA Voluntary Protection Program Star participant, OSHA’s highest level of recognition. To earn VPP Star certification, an organization must meet demanding requirements such as maintaining a comprehensive
Oct. 23, 2023 Boost Halloween safety: Join Hill AFB’s Pumpkin Patrol In an effort to help everyone have a safe and enjoyable Halloween experience at Hill AFB, the 75th Security Forces Squadron’s “Pumpkin Patrol” will provide a watchful eye during the designated trick-or-treating hours of 4:30-9 p.m. on Oct. 31.