Dec. 14, 2023 Rudolph and his red nose aside, deer on road can actually ruin Christmas Whether you see deer as a target, a garden nuisance, a picturesque element of the woodland environment or one of Santa’s team, we can all agree they present a life-threatening hazard to a motorist. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, nearly 1.5 million deer-vehicle
Sept. 28, 2022 Caution urged as peak deer-vehicle collision season returns The National Highway Safety Administration states that there are approximately 1.5 million deer-vehicle collisions, or DVCs, every year in the United States resulting in $1 billion in vehicle damage.Worse yet, DVCs cause 175-200 human deaths and 10,000 injuries annually.State Farm lists Tennessee as
Nov. 18, 2021 Wildlife officials urge motorists to watch for deer Wildlife officials urge motorists to drive cautiously due to the increased deer activity on Hill’s roadways this time of year. While deer are a year-round hazard – on and off base – October and November is when the highest number of vehicle and deer collisions occur across the state.
April 24, 2020 USDA Wildlife Services complete deer removal project on Joint Base MDL The United States Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services accomplished the Community Based Deer Management Project which took place at the Falcon Creek golf course on Joint Base MDL in the weeks of March 9th and 16th. The project was aimed to reduce the risk of aircraft and deer collisions