Scott AFB; 2020 flood

Roadway Safety

Weather conditions can be unpredictable at times. A bright, beautiful afternoon could turn rainy in minutes. When days get shorter, you could find yourself commuting to or from work in darkness. Following some basic safety tips while driving can help keep your family safe.

National Safety Council - Check To Protect

  • Buckle up - Yourself and all passengers
  • Never place rear-facing infant seats in front of an air bag
  • Children 12 and under are much safer in the back seat
  • Check for recalls and safety issues regularly
  • Plan your route -  Allow plenty of time for trips and check the weather before traveling 
  • Familiarize yourself with maps and directions
  • ​Let others know your route and arrival time when traveling
Firefighters from the 100th Civil Engineer Squadron Fire Department finish chocking a car and prepare to remove the windshield from an overturned car during a gate runner scenario as part of an exercise at Royal Air Force Mildenhall, England, March 16, 2021. The exercise was made up of a variety of scenarios to test the base’s emergency response and base defense for potential threats. (U.S. Air Force photo by Karen Abeyasekere)

Vehicle Maintenance

  • Ensure your windshield wipers are in good working order and your windows are clear
  • Check your tire pressure once a month - full tires can reduce damage from potholes and other road hazards
  • Check headlights, taillights, brake lights and turn signals to be sure all are working properly
  • Check your fluids - oil, anti-freeze, and put no-freeze fluid in the washer reservoir
  • Check your battery and tire tread
An image depicting the "penny test" to check the tread of your tires.
The Cadet Chapel peeks through the fog on a cold November day at the U.S. Air Force Academy. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Benjamin W. Stratton)


  • Use low-beams and fog lights, high-beams can cause more glare
  • Slow down and leave plenty of distance with the vehicle in front of you
  • In extremely dense fog where visibility is near zero, turn on your hazards and pull off the road to a safe location
A helicopter flies in the sky; the sun seen below.

Sun Glare

  • Sun glare can make it harder to see traffic lights - approach cautiously
  • Avoid products that increase gloss and clean your windshields - they can magnify sun glare and make it harder to see.
  • Keep your sunglasses handy
Rainbow over Raptors


  • Slow down on slick roads
  • Increase following distance when mist begins to fall - a small amount of water mixed with oil creates slippery conditions
  • Avoid large puddles - driving through water can impair your brakes, cause you to hydroplane or conceal large holes

Distracted Driving

  • Don't text and drive.
  • Avoid distractions. Keep your eyes on the road.
  • Look out for pedestrians walking in or near the road.
  • Avoid fatigue - get plenty of rest, stop at least every three hours, and rotate drivers if possible.
  • If you are planning to drink alcohol, designate a sober driver or use a taxi or rideshare.


Distracted driving claimed 3,308 
lives in 2022

Did you know?

Over-the-counter allergy drugs can have side effects or interact with other medications to diminish your driving ability.

Stopped or stalled? 

Stay in your car, put bright markers on the antenna or windows and turn on the dome light. Clear the exhaust pipe and run it just enough to stay warm if needed.    


Frost and ice cover the track and field at the Aderholt Fitness Center at Hurlburt Field, Fla.,


  • Clear frost from your windows -it can reduce visibility
  • Treat frost on roads like ice - slow down and increase your stopping distance
  • Look for frost on bridges, overpasses and shaded areas of roads
Assorted school supplies are displayed on a table

Back to School

  • Slow down and watch for children
  • Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks
  • Never pass a vehicle stopped for pedestrians or a bus loading or unloading children
  • 10 feet around a bus is the most dangerous area. Leave room so they can safely enter and exit the bus.
Seasonal leaves rest on a tree


Wet leaves can be as slippery as ice. 

  • Drive slowly
  • Avoid hard braking
  • When leaves obscure lane lines, pay attention to the edge of the road
  • Leaves can cover pot holes, motorcycles should be extra vigilant 
  • Don't enter the dust storm area if you can avoid it.
  • If you are unable to pull off the road, continue at a speed suitable for visibility.
  • Turn your headlights on and sound your horn occasionally.
  • Never stop on the roadway portion of the road.
  • Watch out for debris blowing across the roadways and into your path.
  • Tune into local weather forecasts issued by the National Weather Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for damaging winds information.

Dust Storm

Tugging an F-16 into a shelter during a dust storm

7th CES provides car seat checks

Car Seat Safety

Car crashes are a leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 13. Help keep your kids safe by using a car seat or booster seat appropriate for their age. Make sure it is installed properly and register it with the manufacture so you will be notified of any recalls or safety issues.

Never leave a child alone in a vehicle. 

Visit the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Centers for Disease Control websites for more tips and information.


Cold Weather Driving

  • During the daylight, rehearse maneuvers slowly on ice or snow in an empty lot
  • Steer into a skid
  • Know what your brakes will do: stomp on antilock brakes, pump on non-antilock brakes
  • Stopping distances are longer on ice and water-covered ice
  • Don't idle for a long time with the windows up or in an enclosed space

Cold Weather Car Survival Kit

Keep a flashlight, jumper cables, abrasive material (sand, kitty litter, floor mats), shovel, snow brush, ice scraper, warning devices like flares, and blankets in your car.  For long trips consider bringing food, water, medication, a cell phone and charger.
For more ideas visit


354th FW Airmen develop, test new F-35A arctic survival kit

Driving Safety Videos

Roadway Safety Resources

Motocycle Mentorship Safety

Travel Safety Tips Poster

Cyclist competing in a race, Cycling Safety Tips Poster

9 Tips for drivers pedestrian crossing

Pedestrian Safety Poster

Travel Safety Poster - male driving a vehicle

Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Tips poster

Winter Weather Statistics with female Air Force Captain cleaning snowy vehicle windshield

Drugged Driving Poster

Poster on heatstroke in vehicles

Bicycle Safety Poster - Father and son smiling and giving each other a high five.