Koren Kolligian Jr. Trohy


The Koren Kolligian Jr. Trophy recognizes outstanding feats of airmanship by aircrew members who by extraordinary skill, exceptional alertness, ingenuity, or proficiency, averted accidents or minimized the seriousness of the accidents in terms of injury, loss of life, aircraft damage, or property damage.


This trophy memorializes 1st Lt. Koren Kolligian Jr., an Air Force pilot declared missing in the line of duty when his T-33 aircraft disappeared off the California coast on Sep. 14, 1955.

Since the beginning, the family has continued to play an honored and indispensable role in each year’s presentation ceremony. The Kolligian family donated a large permanent trophy, on display in the Pentagon, plus individual presentation trophies for each year’s awardees.

Presented annually, this is the only individual flight safety award personally presented by Air Force chief of staff.

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Award PhotoYearNameMajor CommandAircraftCitation
 2023Harry G. McMahonPACAFF-162023 -Maj_McMahon.pdf
Award Photo2022Maj. Brady J. AugustinUSAFEF-16C2022 - Maj Augustin.pdf
Award Photo2021Maj. Brian A. CrawfordAFRCF-162021 Maj Crawford.pdf
Award Photo2020Capt. Taylor ByeACCA-102020 Bye Citation.pdf
Award Photo2019Capt. Justin W. SagerAETCT-62019 Capt Sager citation.pdf
Award Photo2018Capt. Matthew HeathAETCT-382018 Capt Heath Citation.pdf
Award Photo2017Lt. Col. Daniel P. FinneganANGF-16FY17 Kolligian Citation.pdf
Award Photo2016Maj. John Hourigan ANGC-1302016 Hourigan.pdf
Award Photo2015Maj. Jack Nelson ACCU-22015 Maj Nelson.pdf
Award Photo2014Capt. Tim KilhamAETCF-35A2014 Killham.pdf
Award Photo2013Lt. Col. William LeeAETCT-382013 Lt Col Lee.pdf
Award Photo2012Maj. Douglas WitmerHQ USAFAT-632012 Maj Witmer.pdf
Award Photo2011Capt. Frank BaumannAETCT-62011 Capt Baumann (Kolligian Citation, 2011).pdf
Award Photo2010Capt. Hans N. Buckwalter ACCF-15E2010 Capt Buckwalter.pdf
Award Photo2009Lt. Col. Joseph C. SantucciACCU-22009 Lt Col Santucci.pdf
Award Photo2008Lt. Col. Booth M. JohnstonANGF-16C2008 Maj Johnston.pdf
Award Photo2007Lt. Col. Eugene V. Becker AFSOCMH-53M2007 Lt Col Becker.pdf
Award Photo2006Lt. Col. Peter J. ByrneANGF-16C2006 Lt Col Byrne.pdf
Award Photo2005Capt. Andreas H. Lx AETCC-172005 Capt Ix.pdf
Award Photo2004Capt. Stephen G. EdwardsAFSOCMH-53M2004 Capt Edwards.pdf
Award Photo2003Capt. Michael L. Matesick ACCF-16C2003 Capt Matesick.pdf
Award Photo2002Maj. Jeffery G. Oleson ACCU-2S2002 Maj Olesen.pdf
Award Photo2001Capt. Michael K. Honma AMCC-130E2001 Capt Honma.pdf
Award Photo2000Capt. Barry R. Cornish ACCF-15C2000 Capt Cornish.pdf
Award Photo1999Capt. Ripley E. Woodard, III USAFEA-10A1999 Capt Woodard.pdf
Award Photo1998Capt. Mark S. BarkerAFRCC-141B1998 Capt Barker.pdf
Award Photo1997Capt. Jeffery B. Samuel USAFEF-15E 
Award Photo1996Capt. Christian H. Rose ANGF-16C 
Award Photo1995Capt. Bart D. Klein AETCKC-135 
Award Photo1994Capt. Bradley J. Robert USAFEF-15E1994 Capt Robert.pdf
Award Photo1993Maj. Robert D. Harvey USAFEF-16C1993 Capt Harvey.pdf
Award Photo1992Maj. Mark E. KennedyACCF-16C1992 Capt Kennedy.pdf
Award Photo1991Capt. Jeffery R. Johnson SACKC-1351991 Capt Johnson.pdf
Award Photo19901st Lt. J. David Noah ANGF_16A1990 1LT Noah.pdf
Award Photo1989Capt. Brian MacLeod ANGA-7D1989 1Lt MacLeod.pdf
Award Photo1988Capt. Kenneth J. Vantiger TACF-1111988 Capt Vantiger.pdf
Award Photo1987Capt. Bradley J. CollinsUSAFEF-11987 Capt Collins.pdf
Award Photo1986Capt. Jonathan GeorgeSACU-21986 Capt George.pdf
Award Photo1985Maj. Larry G. BrooksAFRESHH-3E1985 Maj Brooks.pdf
Award Photo1984Capt. John F. KellyMACHH-531984 Capt Kelly.pdf
Award Photo1983Maj. Jon R. AlexanderTACF-4E1983 Maj Alexander.pdf
Award Photo1982Capt. Frederic G. WilsonANGRF-4C1982 Capt Wilson.pdf
Award Photo1981Capt. Larry E. FaberSACU-21981 Capt Faber.pdf
Award Photo1980Maj. Ricardo W. MestreAFRESC-51980 Mestre.pdf
Award Photo1979Maj. David M. PetersSACSR-711979 Peters.pdf
 1978Maj. Raymond D. FowlerTACF-5E1978 Maj Fowler.pdf
Award Photo1977Maj. Gale H. FrenchAFRESC-1231977 Maj French.pdf
Award Photo1976Capt. Robert G. DownsTACF-41976 Capt Downs.pdf
Award Photo1975Capt. Robert C. HeltSACSR-711975 Capt Helt.pdf
Award Photo1974Capt. Nicholas H. Hobbie Jr.TACT-381974 Capt Hobbie.pdf
Award Photo19731st Lt. David L. SonnenbergPACAFF-4E1973 1LT Sonnenberg.pdf
Award Photo19721st Lt. Wesley G. ZimmermanPACAFF-4E1972 1Lt Zimmerman.pdf
Award Photo1971Capt. Raymond M. RossPACAFF-41971 Capt Ross.pdf
Award Photo1970Lt. Col. Roy L. St. MartinSACSR-711970 Lt Col Martin.pdf
Award Photo1969Maj. Henry M. Dyches Jr.MACWC-1351969 Jam Dyches.pdf
Award Photo1968Maj. Leroy R. MulchSACKC-1351968 Maj Mulch.pdf
Award Photo1967Maj. Bruce D. StocksPACAFF-1051967 Maj Stocks.pdf
Award Photo1966Capt. Larry B. MasonANGB-571966 Capt Mason.pdf
Award Photo1965Capt. Robert E. WatkinsTACF-1041965 Capt Watkins.pdf
Award Photo1964Capt. James W. AndersonTACF-1001964 Capt Anderson.pdf
Award Photo1963Capt. Charles W. BrozADCTF-1021963 Capt Broz.pdf
Award Photo1962Lt. Col. Forrest W. WilsonSACU-21962 Lt Col Wilson.pdf
Award Photo1961Capt. Paul R. BakerTACRF-1011961 Capt Baker.pdf
Award Photo1960Capt. Jerome F. KingMATSC-1241960 Capt King.pdf
Award Photo19591st Lt. Ronald L. WarnerPACAFC-1191959 1LT Warner.pdf
Award Photo19581st Lt. James E. ObenaufSACB-471958 1Lt Obenauf.pdf
Award Photo1957Maj. Samuel W. TysonMACC-97