HILL AIR FORCE BASE – ‘Tis the season to dress up our work areas. Even the 75 ABW Safety Office dresses up a Christmas tree with PPE ornaments.
When we come through the cubicle areas on base, we often run into a few festive workspaces. They are fun to look at and we encourage festive behavior but when decorating, please follow these tips to keep it safe.
• Never stand on a chair to hang decorations. Use a stepladder, and make sure to follow the instructions.
• Never hang decorations from fire sprinklers because they can prevent the sprinklers from operating properly. Also, OSHA regulations state that stacked materials shall never be closer than 18 inches below fire sprinklers.
• Make sure all electrical items, such as string lights, are certified by a nationally recognized independent testing lab. (UL Listed)
• Inspect all decorations and extension cords for damage before using.
• Avoid overloading electrical outlets, since they can overheat and cause a fire.
• Don’t place extension cords in high-traffic areas of your workplace, or under rugs, carpets or furniture.
• Never attempt a daisy chain, which is to extend the length of an extension cord by connecting it to another extension cord.
• Never nail or staple extension cords to walls. This may damage existing wire insulation.
As a safety office our job is not to stop you from doing something but to help you do it safely. Call 777-SAFE if you have questions or require assistance this holiday season.