LAUGHLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- The Laughlin AFB community does a fantastic job in our commitment to fire safety, and we currently don’t have any identified unsafe fire-related hazards or behaviors trending on base. We want to continue that path indefinitely.
Summer is historically full of fun outdoor activities and cooking; southwest Texas is no exception.
Below are a few outdoor cooking safety tips:
Give your barbeque grills a good inspection
If using a gas grill, check for leaks using a soapy water solution.
To do this, spray or spread the water solution over the gas lines and fittings, then turn on the propane gas tank. If you see any bubbles, make adjustments before using the grill.
Keep grills at least 10 feet away from anything that could catch fire.
For charcoal barbeque grills – once lit, do not use lighter fluid or other flammable liquids to accelerate charcoal burning.
Keep a three-foot safety zone around your grill.
Keep children and pets away.
After using charcoal, do not throw away the briquettes in the trash until you are certain they are cool. Overnight cooling is best.
Keep a garden hose or a fire extinguisher handy, just in case!
When it comes to summertime fun, there’s no time like the Fourth of July.
While celebrating our Nation’s independence, and especially with fireworks, we ask you to do it with safety in mind; Don’t become a statistic!
Fireworks require everyone’s undivided attention - they are explosives. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) states that more than 10,000 people visited emergency rooms in 2021 due to firework related injuries. Of these total visits, 74% were treated during the one-month period of June 18 to July 18.
The Hunt Housing privatized housing community prohibits fireworks under their resident guidelines. Many off-base communities provide free firework shows, so please seek out those opportunities. If you are off base and are inclined to use fireworks yourself, here are some safety tips from the CPSC.
Tips to celebrate safely:
Never allow young children to play with or ignite fireworks, including sparklers. Sparklers burn at 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit which is hot enough to melt some metals.
Keep a bucket of water or a garden hose handy in case of fire or other mishap.
Light fireworks one at a time, then quickly move away from the firework device.
Never try to relight or handle malfunctioning fireworks. Soak them with water and throw them away.
Never place any part of your body directly over a fireworks device when lighting the fuse. Move to a safe distance immediately after lighting fireworks.
Never point or throw fireworks (including sparklers) at anyone.
To prevent a trash fire, douse the firework with plenty of water after it has completed burning.
Ensure fireworks are legal in your area, and only purchase and set off fireworks are labeled for consumer (not professional) use.
Never use fireworks while impaired by alcohol or drugs.
As we embrace the summer season filled with outdoor activities and cooking, it is crucial to prioritize safety. By following the provided outdoor cooking safety tips, we can prevent accidents and ensure a secure environment for everyone.