Bioenvironmental Engineering Airmen are ‘jack of all trades’

Safety News

  • Summer water safety; tragedy can be avoided

    Summertime is heading our way, and with the warm weather, more adventures abound. Whether you are into boating, swimming, kayaking, or paddle boarding, there will be water hazards.

  • Risk Management - the key to a safe and enjoyable summer

    The Department of the Air Force reminds Airmen and Guardians to apply sound risk management when enjoying outdoor and recreational activities with family and friends this summer. The summer focus period runs from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day.

  • Summer Safety – What you should know

    With warmer weather comes opportunities to not only enjoy the outdoors, but also opens the doors to injury. Here are some tips to remain safe while taking part in summer activities.

  • Summer Health Hazards

    Summer is a great time to be outside and enjoy the weather. Awareness of summer health hazards can help you prevent potential injuries and discomfort. Here’s how you can protect yourself and others, and enjoy the summer fun.

  • Summer safety with a splash of awareness

    School’s out, the sun is shining, and bags are being packed as families head out on vacation. Summer has officially arrived and AFW2 is providing some safety tips to ensure you, and your family, are prepared for some fun in the sun.

  • Keep summer safe with tips for cars, recreational vehicles

    With summer around the corner the freedom to go on road trips, excursions on the lake, family fun on boats, camping sites galore, the list is endless. But safety should be foremost in any family summer event whether you’re road tripping it or just driving a few miles. Summer months are fraught with

  • Safety officials share tips for outdoor fun

    Summer weather is here and with it comes the desire to spend hours outside. For hundreds of people, though, summer festivities will end badly because they failed to take proper safety precautions.

  • How to stay alert during road runs

    Staying alert is fundamental to preventing possible incidents while running or jogging. Uneven ground, road edges and other hazards add to the danger of traveling near vehicles, such as slipping on loose gravel and potholes. Many people take to the roads to get exercise and enjoy the weather as it

Send an article

The Air Force Safety Center has a continuing need for original articles and photos, so we can get the vitally important message of safety out to Airmen and Guardians everywhere. Whether you're a safety professional or not and you've had a safety-related experience while deployed, at work, or off duty, please take the time to write an account of the event and send it to us at If your story is selected for publication, you'll receive credit for being published on an Air Force-level website.

We welcome reader comments, suggestions, and story ideas. You can e-mail them to us at the address above, or call the Chief of Public Affairs at DSN 246-2098 or commercial (505) 846-2098. Our mailing address is HQ AFSEC/SEP, 9700 G Ave. SE, Kirtland AFB, NM 87117-5670. We look forward to hearing from you.