Safe + Sound Department of the Air Force supports workplace safety banner

The Department of the Air Force partners with OSHA in Safe + Sound Week each August. 

Safe + Sound is a nationwide event to raise awareness about workplace safety.

Safe + Sound Week is August 12-18, 2024.


Example of virtual coin units can earn through participation.​


Model safe behaviors and talk about safety daily. Recommended actions include, but aren't limited to the following:

-Request a no-cost, confidential OSHA consultation that is separate from enforcement and will not result in penalties or citations.

-OSHA offers Safety and Health Program Courses to assist in building a better understanding of safety.

-Make safety part of daily conversations with workers.

-Walk the jobsite to identify hazards.

-Conduct a short safety meeting.

-Create a safety video.

-Establish goals and objectives for a safety and health program.

-Recognize workers who meet or exceed safety and health goals.

-Find or become a safety mentor.

-Display a flyer or poster about workplace safety.


There are multiple ways you can participate in Safe + Sound Week. 

The Safe + Sound campaign consists of three core elements: (1) Management and Leadership, (2) Workers’ Participation, and (3) a systematic approach to Finding and Fixing Hazards. There are multiple participation challenges that have been created within the three elements to give organizations and their workers the tools and practice they can utilize year-round. 

“Speak Up for Safety” focuses on Workers Participation. The Air Force Safety Center is encouraging personnel to take the Speak Up for Safety Challenge as well as any other  Safe+Sound challenges that best support your team. 

Set aside time with your team during the Safe + Sound Week to work together and identify hazards within the workplace. Those who participate will receive the OSHA and AFSEC virtual coins and be highlighted on AFSEC social media and public webpage. Be sure to tag the Air Force Safety Center and use the hashtag #SafeandSoundatWork to be highlighted.

The key is to participate and then share your actions on social media, in your newsletter, or post it in your workplace.

Participating units should contact the Occupational Safety's Traffic Safety and Outreach division org box ( to submit their unit for the virtual AFSEC Safe+Sound coin.



- Not quite sure how to start safety conversations in the workplace?

Better Safety Conversations

- Want some ideas for making safety more engaging or personal during your workplace gatherings?

Making Safety Personal

- Ever heard of a "safety walk-around"?

Safety Walkarounds


Get more ASAP posters here:  Airman Safety Action Program

Get more NSC posters here: NSC Posters

All Airmen and Guardians have access to free NSC memberships. Directions are on AFSEC's Occupational Safety SharePoint NSC membership page.

Management Leadership


Find and Fix Hazards

Careful! Fix up! Pick Up and Gear Up graphic

Job Hazard Analysis Worksheet

Safe + Sound workplace safety graphic

Safe + Sound Fall Prevention

Focus on a hazardous task and conduct a Job Hazard Analysis 

Hazardous Energy graphic

Fall prevention, Hazardous energy and confined space graphic

Safe + Sound Week Halt A Hazard from occurring

Safe + Sound Fall Prevention graphic

Safety Videos