Jan. 14, 2025 System safety from a discipline perspective Most Airmen and Guardians don’t consider system safety when thinking about the implementation of safety programs. However, it’s an integral part of safety and risk management that touches each discipline throughout the Department of the Air Force every day. So, what is system safety?System safety is
Nov. 6, 2024 Small-town kid becomes Hall of Famer Air Education and Training Command boasts a newly inducted Hall of Famer. Robbie Bogard, AETC’s occupational safety manager, received the prestigious Department of the Air Force Safety Hall of Fame award at the recent semi-annual Air Force Occupational Safety Corporate Committee meeting at Kirtland
July 8, 2024 How the Liberty Wing’s safety office keeps the mission secured Every member of the 48th Fighter Wing at RAF Lakenheath and Feltwell plays a crucial role in maintaining a safe working environment. It may be difficult to prevent every accident from happening, but with the proper methods of collecting information, protecting individuals, and preserving combat
April 25, 2024 AETC Occupational Safety team earns top Air Force honor Air Education and Training Command’s Occupational Safety Division won the 2023 Colonel Will L. Tubbs Memorial Award for Occupational Safety, which recognizes the best ground safety program in the Air Force, the Air Force Safety Center announced April 23.
April 10, 2024 ATV Safety Starts at Purchase Installation safety is an all-encompassing responsibility to ensure the protection of Airmen and Guardians and vital mission equipment. An important aspect of installation safety is ensuring the right equipment is purchased for a task and that purchased equipment is used properly. The old adage,
Aug. 16, 2022 Base Safety to participate in Safe + Sound Week The 66th Air Base Group Safety Office will participate in a weeklong national safety campaign Aug. 15 through 21.
April 22, 2022 Spotlight: Dennis Pearson Name and rank: Dennis Pearson, GS-11Duty title: Safety managerUnit of assignment: 88th Civil Engineer GroupWhat do you do at Wright-Patt? My job is to ensure the safety of over 500 civil engineers, who provide the highest-quality living and working environment for our 30,000-person workforce and 110
Feb. 23, 2022 Occupational Safety performs yearly inspection of the 1st SOSS The 1st Special Operations Wing occupational safety office conducts a safety inspection Feb. 15, 2022, at Hurlburt Field, Florida. Occupational Safety technician’s yearly inspections provide opportunities for Airmen to voice any concerns for their unit’s safety or emergency readiness.
Feb. 10, 2022 Decreasing injuries is the goal What is safety? Safety is the state of being safe or not being dangerous or harmful; freedom from harm or danger or a safe place according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary and the Oxford dictionary gives its definition as the state of being safe and protected from danger or harm.
Nov. 8, 2021 19th AW Combat Airlifter of the Week: Tech. Sgt. Jessica Deal Tech. Sgt. Jessica Deal, 19th Airlift Wing NCO in charge of occupational safety, is recognized as the Combat Airlifter of the Week, Nov. 8, 2021.