101 CDS Off-Duty Time Poster

101 Critical Days of Summer Safety



This page is a resource for the 101 Critical Days of Summer safety campaign. While Summer activities can be a lot of fun, it is crucial to keep sunburns and heat-related illnesses as well as dangers related to water, fire, driving, sports and recreation in mind. Last year during the summer season, the Air and Space Forces lost 19 Airmen and Guardians to preventable off-duty mishaps.

101 Critical Days of Summer Campaign

  • Memorial Day thru Labor Day

  • Train for extreme activities and know your physical limitations

  • Empower people to self-assess and self-correct risk

101 Critical Days of Summer Logo

101 Critical Days of Summer logo link

Water Safety

Water Safety - Lifeguard stand on beach with people

Sports & Rec Safety

Recreational Safety - Group of people hiking

Fire Safety

Fire Safety - Chicken on the grill with flames

Summer Holiday Safety

Summer Holiday Safety Tab - Fireworks

Roadway Safety

Driving Safety - Motorcycle riders

Senior Leader Message

101 Critical Days of Summer Posters

Safety Videos

Summer Safety Checklist Poster