Course Description:
This course provides education and training that develop or enhance the knowledge, skills, abilities, and talents required to perform the duties of the Wing/Installation Flight Safety Officer (FSO) and Flight Safety NCO (FSNCO). The scope of training includes principles of mishap prevention; aviation safety program responsibilities; airfield operations requirements; Hazardous Air Traffic Report (HATR) program; HATR reports; Bird/wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) program; hazard reporting program; inspection and assessment programs; airfield safety; Air Force Safety Automated System (AFSAS) queries; disaster response, deployed safety, in addition to Safety organizational hierarchy and philosophies.
Eligibility Requirements:
For rated officers with a minimum of four years of service, assigned as full-time FSO, on a Unit Manning Document (UMD) position under Functional Account Code (FAC) 11H100. Enlisted personnel, minimum grade E-6, assigned as full-time FSNCO, on a UMD position under FAC 11H100. Air Force and Space Force civilian personnel, GS-0018 or GS-0803, assigned to a Flight Safety Manager position, on a UMD position under FAC 11H100. Only personnel currently filling, or selected to fill, the UMD position are eligible to attend. (See DAFI 91-202, para 2.1.5, for additional FSNCO requirements.) MAJCOM/FLDCOM/DRU/FOA Safety Training POCs must request waiver, through AFSEC/SET ( for personnel who do not meet eligibility requirements. Air Force and Space Force personnel must obtain class seats/quotas through their MAJCOM/FLDCOM/DRU/FOA safety office. Personnel assigned below Wing-level may attend on a space-available basis.
Prerequisites: All students enrolled in the ASPM course must complete prerequisites before arrival. For instructions:
- Log onto the Air Force portal
- Under "Quick Links," "Safety," select "Training and Force Development"
- Under "TDY Information," select "AFSEC Course Prerequisites"
Course Requirements: Students must bring a paper copy or electronic version of their Installation Emergency Management Plan (IEMP) and their installation or equivalent Safety Office Mishap Response Plan (MRP). Both plans should be available at the installation or equivalent Safety Office.
Class Length: 5 days
Class Start Time: 0730
Class End Time: No later than 1430 on last day of class
Materials Required: Note paper, pens and/or pencil
Recommended Reading: DAFI 91-202, DAFI 91-204, and DAFMAN 91-223
Training Location: Please refer to the AFSEC class schedule found at
Students will receive a welcome email approximately two weeks before the class start date.
Uniform Requirements: Military members must attend class in the appropriate uniform and meet dress and appearance standards. OCPs and flight duty uniforms are permissible. Civilian members must wear business casual. Shorts, tank tops, and athletic sweat suits are examples of inappropriate attire.
Contact Info: SETM Course Managers, DSN: 246-1613/9511/4093/1449 (Comm: 505-846-1613/9511/4093/1449); Fax DSN: 246-1464; e-mail address: