Security Assistance Training Program (SATP) International Flight Safety Officer (IFSO) Course
Course Number WCIP 05U, PDS Code 15R, MASL D122005

Course Description:
This course is designed to provide safety education for foreign officers assigned to manage flight safety programs and to provide students with an understanding of safety program management fundamentals, safety principles and mishap investigation techniques. The course includes Aviation Safety Program Management, Human Factors, Aircraft Material Factors, and Aircraft Mishap Investigation. The course is general in nature and provides an overview of flight safety issues, along with concise and useful methods of dealing with these items. Field visits to operational U.S. Air Force units are included for familiarization. The course is not intended to qualify personnel in any specific aircraft system.

Eligibility Requirements:
For allied Air Force flying safety officer; must be pilot or navigator. Minimum of 80 English Comprehension Level (ECL).

Prerequisites: N/A

Class Length: 6 weeks

Class Start Time: 0730

Materials Required: Note paper, pen and/or pencil

Training Location: Headquarters Air Force Safety Center (HQ AFSEC), Bldg 24499 (1st Floor), 9700 G Avenue SE, Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM

Transportation:  A bus will provide transportation from on-base lodging each Monday through Friday morning, to and from lunch (at the dining facility) and return from class to lodging and/or the dining facility at the end of the day. 

Rental car recommended due to the following: (1) Transportation is only available Monday through Friday, during the hours of 0630 – 1600. (2) Transportation is not available during the evening hours, on weekends and/or holidays. (3) Transportation is not available from the dining facility to lodging for students who are taken to the dining facility at the end of the class day. (4) The dining facility is located 1.9 miles from student lodging at the Roadrunner Inn.

Uniform Requirements:
Military students must wear flight duty uniform, battle dress uniform, or equivalent "uniform of the day." The Formal or Ceremonial uniform is required for the graduation ceremony. Civilian attendees must wear the appropriate business casual attire. Shorts, tank tops, and athletic sweat suits are examples of inappropriate attire. Hats are required for military students when outside of buildings at all times, unless otherwise noted.

Uniform Requirements, Crash Lab:
The Crash Lab is located outdoors and is a no-hat, no-salute area. Due to muddy or dusty conditions, bringing a second pair of boots is recommended. Other optional items: flight or work gloves, sunscreen, and coats (in case of inclement weather).

Reporting Instructions:

Arrival: Students must notify the Air Force Safety Center (AFSEC) International Military Student Officer (IMSO) of their actual arrival date as far in advance as possible. All students must arrive on Wednesday before class start week to ensure proper in-processing and orientation.

IMSO Contact Info: IMSO, AFSEC/SETM, E-mail address: Telephone: 505-846-9511 or 505-846-4093 (Monday through Friday, 0700-1630) or 505-433-0398 after duty hours. Click here for Kirtland AFB map of AFSEC/billeting locations.

Transportation to Kirtland AFB NM: Whenever possible, the IMSO or designated sponsor will meet students at the Albuquerque Airport to provide assistance and advice. If someone is not there to meet you, take a taxi that is parked outside of the airport terminal baggage claim area to the Truman Gate Visitor's Center. Ensure the taxi driver has access to Kirtland AFB. Student(s) may need to show International Travel Order and passport to the base gate guard or may have to go inside the Visitor’s Center to get a base pass. Once cleared to enter the base, go to the Kirtland Air Force Base Lodging Office (Roadrunner Inn), Bldg 22018, telephone (505) 846-9653. Click here for Albuquerque and Kirtland AFB maps.

Base Lodging: The Air Force Safety Center course manager makes on-base lodging group reservations for students in each class. Visiting Quarters (VQ) rooms are SINGLE OCCUPANCY with a small refrigerator and microwave oven. Base Housing and Temporary Lodging Facilities (TLFs) may not be authorized for students. Base Lodging Daily Rates: VQ - $124. 

BASE IN-PROCESSING (U.S. ID Card): Students and dependents at least 10 years of age and listed on the ITO will receive a base ID card at the Military Personnel Section, Bldg 20245. All students coming directly from their countries will get their base ID cards the week before class start date. Board the bus at the Roadrunner Inn Lodging Student Dormitory in front of Building 22002.

Mandatory items to bring to U.S. ID Card Appt: ITO, passport, medical documentation, and flight itineraries. US-funded students must also bring reimbursable travel receipts for their travel voucher package.

AFSEC ORIENTATIONOrientation will be conducted from 0730-1630 on Friday, the week before first day of class, at the Air Force Safety Center, in Classroom 161. Topics will include student privileges and responsibilities, pay allowances/entitlements, rules of conduct, Kirtland base services, and Air Force Safety Center in-processing.

All students must attend Friday's Orientation.  Board the bus at 0710 at the Roadrunner Inn Lodging Student Dormitory in front of Building 22002.

Mandatory items to bring to Orientation ITO, passport, medical documentation, and flight itineraries. US-funded students must also bring reimbursable travel receipts for their travel voucher package.

Dining Facility: The Thunderbird Inn, Bldg 20350, is located on 1st Street (west of Wyoming Street) between "G" and "H" streets. There is a 33% surcharge on all items.

Mail Service: Students will be provided a group post office box to receive personal mail. The address for personal mail is:

(Rank and Name)
IFSO Class Number
2050-A 2nd St. SE, Bldg 20204
PSC Box 4030
Kirtland AFB, NM 87117

International Military Student (IMS) Guide: Click here for the IMS Student Guide.