Human Factors Workshop for Safety Professionals (HFWSP)
Course Number WCIP 05AH, PDS Code 233
Course Description:
This course provides a review of basic human factors theory and applications followed by an update of information and practice of skills in those areas. Additionally, participants receive education and practice in applying recently developed techniques for acquiring, analyzing, and applying human factors data to AF operations.
Eligibility Requirements:
All students enrolled in this course should be assigned to safety duties. MAJCOM/FLDCOM/DRU/FOA Safety Training POCs must request waiver through AFSEC/SET ( for personnel who do not meet eligibility requirements. Air Force and Space Force personnel must obtain class seats through their MAJCOM/FLDCOM/DRU/FOA safety office.
Class Length: 2 days
Materials Required: Note paper, pen and/or pencil
Recommended Reading: DAFI 91-204 and DoD Human Factors Analysis and Classification System, version 8.0
Training Location: This course is offered in a "Roadshow" format only. Training locations vary.
Uniform Requirements: Military members must attend class in the appropriate uniform and meet dress and appearance standards. OCPs and flight duty uniforms are permissible. Civilian members must wear business casual. Shorts, tank tops and athletic sweat suits are examples of inappropriate attire.
Contact Info:
SETM Course Managers, DSN: 246-1613/4093/9511/1449 (Comm: 505-846-1613/4093/9511/1449); Fax DSN: 246-1464; e-mail address: